Why MooseHug?

With cold-water immersion becoming more trendy than artisanal avocado toast, MooseHug was built to give you the best bang-for-your-buck on the entire market with our hand-built "Woodsman" model.

If you're already up to speed on how advantageous cold-water immersion can be, then we hope you're willing and able to join our community for decades to come :)

Embrace Nature. Embrace the cold.

Why does everyone seem to be talking about this? The energy boost, vitality, crystal-clear focus, stress relief, and the weight loss are all powerful, without question.

But at MooseHug, we believe the real power of daily cold plunging is the mental discipline it delivers. Not as easy as a pill, but a reliable path to mental strength and control over those lazy, selfish voices that keep us from our true potential.

Combine this with a natural dopamine rush lasting up to 6 hours that'll make your double-espresso feel like elevator music, and you've got quite a cocktail for conquering the world. Or at least making it a better place.

And if we can help a few of you achieve that, then we think that’s a pretty good reason to be in business. So whether you're a hippie or a warrior, a parent or a paralegal. If you’re looking for an unfair advantage, then MooseHug is here to help you unlock the best version of yourself. Every day.

Embrace Nature. Embrace the cold.

Built by hand in Colorado using antique restored hardwoods. Our current batch comes from old tobacco drying houses in Tennessee and Kentucky, circa 1890. It is our sincere hope that our impeccably designed "Woodsman" model finds a place in your family home for decades to come.

What’s the ultimate "unfair advantage" derived from daily cold-water immersion?